Street View, by Google Maps, is a virtual representation of our surroundings on Google Maps, consisting of millions of panoramic images. Street View’s content comes from two sources - Google and

You can automatically delete some of the activity in your Google Account. On your computer, go to your Google Account. On the top left navigation panel, click Data & personalization. Under "Activity controls," click Web & App Activity or YouTube History Manage Activity. Learn how to automatically delete your Location History. Use Family Link with your child’s Google account to manage their Google Search. Filter explicit search results with SafeSearch. By default, SafeSearch is turned on for your child’s account when you set up supervision with Family Link.

Sign in - Google Accounts

How to check Google Chrome history after it was deleted Jun 28, 2020

Nov 03, 2017

The tool called 'My Activity' launched in 2016 - which supersedes Google Search history and Google Web History — enables users to see and delete data tracked by Google through the Google account. The tool shows which websites were visited using Chrome while logged in, devices used, apps used, Google products interacted with, etc. Search History - How to Delete All Searches , View, Find How do you view and clear your Search History on google. First of all, Sign-in to your Google Account to access and check your history. Then, Head towards your Google App and Web Activity segment. Now, Tap the settings symbol and select “Remove Items”. Pick the period that you want Google account my activity to delete searches from.